Season 2, Episode 17 - 8 Questions People Ask Themselves (and Me) When Starting Their Side Hustle - Géraldine Jippé ... ...

Hey y’all. For episode 17 of the 2nd season, it’s a solo show where I first list the 8 Questions that people ask themselves when they are thinking about starting their side hustle, or their entrepreneurial journey, and then attempt to demystify, or address some of the limiting thoughts that may hinder your journey. 

First and foremost, if you’re ready to jump into the entrepreneurial bandwagon, I want to wish you a warm welcome to the entrepreneurial family. You must have so many things in mind right now, because you’ve been thinking about launching your new brand or new side hustle. And that’s quite normal! I mean if you just graduated or been working at the same company for the longest time and you are ready to move on, taking that leap isn’t the easiest thing in the world. The fear of the unknown must be daunting.

Jumping to the entrepreneurial boat, it’s quitting the comfort of receiving a recurring stream of income and that will leave you to a moment of vulnerability because you don’t know what is going to be next.

If you’re like me you’ve been obsessed with the idea of being independant, autonomous and you really want to make money for yourself and your loved ones.

I figured I could save you a little bit of time by answering the questions that many future entrepreneurs have been asking me over the last few years.

Number 1 – How do I start?

The answer to that can be short or very long, If I wanna make sense of it. I’ll tell you this.

Start with data. Make your own research, dig in – on how and what problem you can solve for your community. You can ask yourself first, and you can also start asking around through various channels like your social media on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn. 

Pick your community collective brain in order to figure what is something that they need, that they want to be solved.

I have a quick extra tip for you whether you are a beginner or not – use quizzes available on social. Talk about your idea and tell people to DM you, literally. Ask them questions that will serve your market research. Once that’s done, collect your information and go to the next step.

You can also get info – you also have the option of testing an idea through advertising and collect your data through the first you get in order to understand if this answer picks people’s interest or if it doesn’t. What I like about it, it is simple, you get to dig deeper. It’s fast and quick. It doesn’t require much effort on your end to understand what’s at stake for your new venture.

Number 2 – What niche shall I pick?

Engage – ask your community if they have 15 min to spare for you to chat with them, so that you guys can get to know each other and better understand the challenge they are currently facing and why?

Once figured, what’s a problem to solve, be specific on how you want to answer this challenge with your business. You are heading towards more clarity. 

Now it’s time to design the solution that will be the answer to your community and how you can help your community.

Number 3 – Do I need a website?

Yes and no, it all depends how you want to use it. Find a way to communicate with your prospect where they are. A website is like a business card, it all depends what you want to do with it. Having a website requires some technical knowledge that you’ll need to acquire along the way.

Number 4 – What if people don’t like my idea?

It’s not about if people like it or not but about how you solve the problem. Once you identify the challenge and how you can help your community and prospective client.

Number 5 – People asked ”why do you want to start a business now in the middle of a pandemic?”

Most big name and Facebook of the world were born during difficult times, if we see that there the lot of losse. Let me tell you there are also tons of opportunities. For sure, I’m not saying it’s easy. I’m just saying that there are different way to view these challenging time.

Number 6 – I’m not sure, what if I fail?

Failures, you mean learning. Failures are lessons that every entrepreneurs have to go through before becoming successful. If I learnt something, overnight success doesn’t exist. You always have to dedicate some time and effort. 

Number 7 – People ask ”Shouldn’t find a job”

To these people, I add them to my I don’t want you around me list. Why? Well, we all need encouragement and positivity, especially when growing a business. 

Another thing, the more you grow the more you’ll find more and more negative sayers. Oh well, let’s ignore them.

Number 8 – What if this idea exists already?

I love that one. I mean, it’s like asking how many pairs of shoes do you own? Ask yourself that, of course there are multiple competitors on the market every second you thinking about 

Start small and think big, I mean what I like to say to my clients is your business will grow. Are you ready for this?

Start with your vision and build yourself a million dollar business mindset, why? Because you don’t know what you don’t know before starting your business.

At the end of the today, this your own journey, build your own business path.

That’s it, that’s all.