
Ready to boost your online business with  simplicity, abundance and serenity, with no stress ?

Download your  Guide x Workbook of 30 pages 

Being an entrepreneur, slowpreneur, comes with challenges: 

from creating content for emails, social media, podcast and video
to gain in visibility and attract clients
It may seem glamorous but it is also  time and energy consuming.

Géraldine Jippé Formatrice et coach

What if you could…

  • ✨ simplify your life?

  • ✨ do things at your own pace ?

  • ✨ replace all these extra tasks with automation ?


What if it could change your life? What if it was possible? 




Nice to meet you!

My name is Géraldine Jippé, everyone calls me Géraldine or G. I am a slowpreneur, conscious business coach, nature walker and I often talk about regeneration, serenity and harmony. Since I started my business, I have sweated blood and water. As a serial entrepreneur, I have tested many systems, wasted time, and lost energy and health. I knew that I had to make room for change to regain control of my time. To achieve this, I immersed myself in automation.
It is thanks to this that I was able to pursue my passion: coaching dozens of entrepreneurs in abundance, joy, serenity and to find my freedom with a company that serves my life.

Automation and managing your business online shouldn't be complex, on the contrary it should help us and bring zen and results.

Simplicity in your business

It starts with 3 essentials:

  1. 1. Changing the way you see things

  2. 2. Implementating an adapted strategy

  3. 3. Integrating systems to make your life easier

  4.                         This guide was made to help you

The Guide x Workbook

In the guide x workbook, you will find several sections to help you transform the world according to your vision.

✨ Mindset

✨ Strategy

✨ Launch

✨ Mistakes to avoid 

The toolbox of web entrepreneurs

a list of tools to help you to kickstart your business with serenity. 

  • ✨ tools to create a website

  • ✨ Training platforms

  • ✨ Emails & Automation




  • ✨ Define your essentials

  • ✨ Your Big Vision

  • ✨ Business x Mindset

  • ✨ Money x Mindset

  • ✨ Your Roadmap

If you are an entrepreneur, coach, consultant, training creator or a business owner, this guide is for you at a small price!